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My Story

my story

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I have lived and worked in six countries and although from an external perspective, it looked as though I was thriving, looking back, I realise I was spending much of my life in reaction and overload.

I let others dictate my agenda – in my career, relationships and family: Not because I was unable to stand up for myself, but because I had absolutely no idea of who or what I wanted to stand up for.

I had so much and felt guilty for wanting more. I succumbed to a pattern of trying harder, to feel better. It failed miserably. I burnt out.

I had become a human doing, rather than a human being, leading a life that led me, rather than the other way around.

Taking a breath to turn the spotlight on myself brought me the clarity to finally become the author of my own story.

Today it’s my passion to help my clients become the conscious author of theirs.